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来源:参考自Estimation of Dynamic Panel Threshold Model using Stata,作者:Myung Hwan Seo, Sueyoul Kim, and Young-Joo Kim


其中,作为解释变量的xi是一个m维的列向量。qi被称为“门槛变量”, Hansen(2000)认为门槛变量既可以是解释変量xi中的一个回归元,也可以作为一个独立的门槛变量。


Hansen's(1999)模型是静态的另外固定效应回归 估计要求协变量是强外生变量,估计值是一致的。——然而,在许多实际应用程序中,强外生性可能具有限制性。因此,Seo and Shin (2016)将 该模型扩展到动态面板模型。






xthenreg depvar [varlist (q x1 x2 ...)] [if] [in] [, options]



1. xtset应该在运行之前完成。此外,变量必须为事先按(i)面板变量和(ii)时间变量排序。(xtset should be done before running this. Moreover variables must be sorted by (i) panel variable and (ii) time variable beforehand.)

2. 需要强平衡的面板数据(Strongly balanced panel data is required.)

3.Inputs 应该 把 y q x1 x2 …… , 其q为门槛变量, x1 和 x2这些称为解释变量(Inputs should be put as y q x1 x2 …… , where q is the threshold variable and x1 x2 ……are other independent variables.)

4. moremata library is required since this command use mm quantile func-


5. When there are endogeneous independent variables, endogenous option

should be set. For example, if x1 is exogeneous and x2 is endogeneous,

the input must be y q x1, endo(x2).



endogenous(varlist) species endogeneous independent variables. The endogeneous variables must be excluded from the list of independent variables before the comma.

inst(varlist) species the list of additional instrumental variables.

staticsets the model static. The default model is dynamic. In contrast

with dynamic model, static model does not automatically include L.y as inde-

pendent variable.

kink sets the model kink.

grid _ num(integer)determines the number of grid points to estimate the thresh-

old . The default is 20.

trim _ rate(real)determines the trim rate when constructing a grid for es-

timating r. The default is 0.4.

h_0(real)determines a parameter for Silverman's rule of thumb used to ker-

nel estimation. The default is 1.5.

boost(integer) The number of bootstrapping for linearity test. The default

is 0.




使用数据来自British Cohort Study,我们研究了BMI与工作时间的关系。更多的详细讨论见Kim(2019)。



usehour, clearxtset ilabel timexthenreg hourbmi hsize, endo(bmi) inst(bweight bmic bmim bmid hsize) kink static


In this example, we can obtain the same results by collecting all exogenous variables into one place with exo option as follows.

xthenreg hour bmi, endo(bmi) exo(hsize) inst(bweight > bmic bmim bmid) kink static

We can also change the set of included and excluded instruments using the inst option. The number of moment conditions varies accordingly.

xthenreg hour bmi hsize, endo(bmi) inst(bweight bmic bmim bmid) kink static

We can estimate the model with a restriction on the sample.

xthenreg hour bmi ifregion== 1, endo(bmi) exo(hsize) inst(bweight bmic bmim bmid) kink static

Next we consider discontinuity in BMI eect without imposing a kink in the model.

By taking rst difference, we obtain the following model and estimate it with only static option.

xthenreg hour bmi, endo(bmi) exo(hsize) inst(bweight bmic bmim bmid) static



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